The K-12 Online Conference invites participation from educators around the world interested in innovative ways Web 2.0 tools and technologies can be used to improve learning. This FREE conference is run by volunteers and open to everyone. The 2008 conference theme is “Amplifying Possibilities”. This year’s conference begins with a pre-conference keynote the week of October 13, 2008. The following two weeks, October 20-24 and October 27-31, forty presentations will be posted online to the conference blog (this website) for participants to download and view. Live Events in the form of three “Fireside Chats” and a culminating “When Night Falls” event will be announced. Everyone is encouraged to participate in both live events during the conference as well as asynchronous conversations. More information about podcast channels and conference web feeds is available!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Math Lessons Collaboration Daily 08/01/2008
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Math Lessons Collaboration Daily 07/28/2008
HowStuffWorks - Learn How Everything Works!
great resource. Nice layout for a how it works feature article. Students can find articles that relate to some interest that they have.
tags: reference, write2learn, education, technology
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Math Lessons Collaboration Daily 07/18/2008
Research Designs
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Quantitative studies of school effects have generally supported the notion that the problems of U.S. education lie outside of the school. Yet such studies neglect the primary venue through which students learn, the classroom. The current study explores the link between classroom practices and student academic performance by applying multilevel modeling to the 1996 National Assessment of Educational Progress in mathematics. The study finds that the effects of classroom practices, when added to those of other teacher characteristics, are comparable in size to those of student background, suggesting that teachers can contribute as much to student learning as the students themselves.
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New AIR Study Compare the Quality of U.S. Math Instruction with Singapore, a Recognized Leader
Information on Singapore Math, simple explanation, concrete bar model approach, very structured.
tags: no_tag