Review of 2008: 100 great articles
If you can't find an article about inclusion of educational technology here then you aren't looking very hard.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
This blog is an online collaboration for math teachers. It is an attempt to harness the power of math teachers to create math literate learning events for their students.
Review of 2008: 100 great articles
If you can't find an article about inclusion of educational technology here then you aren't looking very hard.
Google Earth Outreach - Tutorial: Spreadsheet Mapper 2.0
I love Google Earth and here is a simple way to create projects about places, create timelines of events, or just have fun remembering a vacation. It's interactive, easy to use, can be educational, what more could you ask for!
tags: googleearth, write2learn, write2pub, tutorial, spreadsheets, maps
For content teachers who need help detecting plagarism. It's not a GOTCHA tool, but a tool for students to use to help them understand how to write without plagarism. It brings to their attention that they haven't paraphrased their writings yet.
Top 10 Best Gadgets of 2008 - Breakthrough Awards - Year's Best Toys - Popular Mechanics
The top ten breakthroughs of 2008 by Popular Mechanics is an incredible list. There are several that have potential impacts on education including the Amazon Kindel and the Livescribe Pulse Smartpen. I am fascinated with the smartpen, because I think it makes taking notes in a lecture setting potentially multidimensional (I can take my notes graphically, but also record what the instructor is saying about those notes).
A resource to inform yourself about modern copyright issues and some other good information about integrating media into instruction.
Which Statistical Test? - ISS Home - Newcastle University
Nice quick list of multivariate statisitical tests and brief descriptions.
I haven't gone through the course, but the design seems well thought out and well versed.
Interesting Ways to use Netbooks in the Classroom - Google Docs
Using 'netbooks' in classrooms, but underlying theme is creating centers with students and creating backchannels to have students discuss their learning/lessons.
DigiTales - The Art of Telling Digital Stories
Discussion of components to include in a digital story and how to develop those components.