Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Friday, December 11, 2009
Math Lessons Collaboration Daily 12/12/2009
Chart Types - Google Chart API - Google Code
Allows you to make dynamic charts.
28 Rich Data Visualization Tools - InsideRIA
"28 tools for creating graphs, Gantt charts, diagrammers, calendars/schedulers, gauges, mapping, pivot tables, OLAP cubes, and sparklines, in Flash, Flex, Ajax or Silverlight."
Not all free, but there is a free tool from Google that wasn't too hard to use.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Math Lessons Collaboration Daily 12/11/2009
AT&T Knowledge Network Explorer: Videoconferencing for Learning
"NBC News Archives on Demand (K-12) is a collection of NBC News videos, primary source documents, images, and resources specifically designed for use in the K-12 classroom.
Thousands of searchable and downloadable videos (1930s to Today)
* Video content aligned to State Standards
* Current Events updated regularly
* Sciences, Social Studies, Language Arts, Health and Business
* Personalized playlists for teachers and students"
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Math Lessons Collaboration Daily 11/27/2009
Fiction Audio Books Free Download. Free mp3 Audio Book Downloads.
Free audio books, looks like a great opportunity to get some people access to literature from a different perspective.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Math Lessons Collaboration Daily 11/25/2009
ArtisanCam - Activities - Picture Book Maker
Neat easy picture book maker. I just made a book in under 5 minutes, very easy (although my story wasn't very good). Wonder how to create more permanent works?
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Math Lessons Collaboration Daily 11/24/2009
Make-It-Real-Book-of-Mathemati.pdf (application/pdf Object)
Great examples of problems/data sets that can be analyzed. I do think there are a considerable amount of regression equations that may/may not be categorized appropriately. That said, it's a great set of questions to discuss with students, great data sets that can be updated with a little bit of research as most are 10 years old.
One of the best compilations of regression problems that I've come across.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Math Lessons Collaboration Daily 11/20/2009
Online Degree 100 Essential Web 2.0 Tools for Teachers
There are new web 2.0 tools appearing every day. Although some of these tools were not originally meant for use in the classroom, they can be extremely effective learning tools for today’s technology geared students and their venturesome teachers.
Education News Archive :: 100+ Google Tricks for Teachers
Some interesting and useful tips for using Google in education, worth a look
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Math Lessons Collaboration Daily 11/15/2009
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Math Lessons Collaboration Daily 11/13/2009
2009 November 11 | Ozge Karaoglu's Blog
More tools for digital storytelling from Ozge
100 Digital Storytelling Tools for Your Digital Selves + Natives (Part 1) | Ozge Karaoglu's Blog
Nice set of digital storytelling tools.
Slideshow of pictures, easy to add music.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Math Lessons Collaboration Daily 11/11/2009
QuickieQ - Classroom and Audience Response System
Answer questions from desktop, iTouch, iPhone, online clicker system
Want to know what your audience/class is thinking right now? How about a quick check for understanding prior to starting the day's lesson? QuickieQ will help you gather a digital show of hands and more, whether the responders are in the same room or across the globe.Educational Uses of Digital Storytelling
Resource and great uses for digital storytelling from University of Houston shared by Monica Osborne.
tags: web2.0, instruction, digital_storytelling, digitalstorytelling
NASA generated website with pictures, podcasts, blog posts of current happenings around the world. I explored one example, the recent Tsunami. Great pictures of the island and of showing the wave in the ocean! Also, great story accompanying the pics.
I, also, loved the interactive global map with the geolocated pictures.
Although I haven't listened to the Science for the Hungry World podcast, I subscribe to several NASA podcasts and think they are great for teaching!tags: web2.0, science, nasa, technology, instruction, photography, geography
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Math Lessons Collaboration Daily 11/10/2009
iPod Touch Schoolwide Implementation - Classroom 2.0
iPodTouch in education conversation. Lot of great information.
tags: web2.0, technology, differentiation, ipod, touch, instruction
Differentiated Instruction | Teaching and Learning in the Digital Age
tags: web2.0, technology, blogging, differentiation, learning, instruction, pedagogy, education
Blogging About The Web 2.0 Connected Classroom: The Essential Tools For The Connected Teacher-Part 1
Some nice ideas about using web2.0 in the classroom. Worth visiting for ideas.
Center for Technology and Teacher Education || Macromedia Flash Activities
Some great applets for use with math classes.
From basic arithmetic modeling to modeling of integrals.
From the University of Virginia these flash based apps will work on almost any platform except the iPod system (currently).tags: math, web2.0, applets, technology
Neat tool for teachers. Need a quickly designed number line or graph paper. From NCTM and Illuminations,
easy to create different options,
easy to download as a jpg and then cut and paste if you want to use in another file.
Good for basic graphics needs that you might not be able to create on your own like nets and spinners.Learning in Hand - iPod touch Applications
iPod Touch in the Classroom ideas.
Mathematics Knowledge Networks (MKNs) - Using assessment to promote learning in mathematics - NCETM
Always looking for resources that help math teachers think about how to promote learning in the classroom. This synopsis of formative assessment research starts with Wiliam and Black, "Inside the Black Box" from 1998 and progresses forward from there. Some nice specific tasks that are supported by links to examples.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Math Lessons Collaboration Daily 10/30/2009
SpringerLink - Journal Article
Links between math and art, current research, worth reading.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Math Lessons Collaboration Daily 10/21/2009
MathSite: Polygon Dissection Gallery
tags: web2.0, geometry, math, applet, Berkley, smartboard, technology
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Math Lessons Collaboration Daily 10/08/2009
copyrightconfusion - Reasoning
How do I know if my use is a fair use?This tool has been developed to help teachers and students reason through the fair use process. You can see an example of how this tool is being used HEREUse the form online. The data from this form feeds into a google spreadsheet so you can compare how individuals or groups reason the fair use of copyrighted material in a work. If you would like to use this form in your work you can click here. If you have a google account, you can sign in and copy into your google account.
tags: fair, use, copyrightconfusion, copyright, administration, instruction
» Would You Please Block? Bud the Teacher
Another great post from Bud, actually calling attention to the issue of classroom management rather than the tool being the issue. How dare students express their boredom by doing something rather than daydreaming...Make sure you read the comments, especially Dave Truss' response.
tags: filtering, blocking, blogging, administration, instruction
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Math Lessons Collaboration Daily 10/06/2009
Posterous - The place to post everything. Just email us. Dead simple blog by email.
Blending lines in how you post to the web. Moving toward a truly interactive web.
More Smartboard resources from Teacher Online Training. Some nice easy to understand videos, easy navigation, and great exemplar files. I still need to do some exploring of the files, but liked the two I looked at today.
Post it notes site similar to Wallwisher
SHOW®USA - A New Way To Look At The USA
Lots of data displayed in an interactive way. Great for use with an interactive white board. Easy for students to gather data, display, and report.
tags: math, SocialStudies, instruction, web2.0, technology, Statistics, Data, maps, geography, visualization
podOmatic - Create, Find, Share Podcasts!
tags: web2.0, technology, podcasts, fluency, dialog, instruction, write2learn
Create and share flashcards - ediscio.com
Create and share flashcards online, make the flashcard idea more interactive, allows you to capture some metadata and track how you are doing. If students are going to memorize something this might be a way of making it more interesting. Enables the input of video, audio files into flashcards.
Great way to create podcasts with students when they interview someone for their class. They can "meet" experts online and record the conversation so they can revisit the conversation and share with others.
tags: web2.0, technology, videoconference, interviews, videoconferencing, skype
Defence Dynamics - Multimedia Library
tags: web2.0, technology, math, science
Read free books online: The Call of the Wild, by Jack London
"BookRix allows writers to create their own projects and display their work to others. The BookRix-Format enables users to design individual books. All one needs is a web browser to easily publish and showcase their work."
Book-like interface, where readers can "turn pages". Great way of showcasing student work, getting feedback, producing rather than just consuming material. The interface does provide a more formal presentation of material and makes a more published feel.tags: write2learn, instruction, web2.0, technology, write2pub
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Math Lessons Collaboration Daily 10/03/2009
Education Community Blog: Search Results
Obviously,I'm not a writing expert, but I love how this post describes the writing process this teacher is using at Duke with her students. The peer editing process is tested and this approach uses a screencast (video that can include audio of what is happening on a computer- mouse movements, ability to highlight text while commenting, etc.)
I think it's right up our alley and incorporates free technology.tags: instruction, write2learn, peer editing, web2.0, technology, dialog
Starting Point-Teaching Entry Level Geoscience
Geared toward developing good instructional strategies for entry level geo-science courses at the post-secondary setting, the suggestions can easily be applied to 6-12 setting and are just good instructional practices.
Well organized and includes different perspectives and connected content.
I thoroughly agree with the mathematical modeling discussion. It's worth readingtags: education, geoscience, science, web2.0, math, instruction, high, middlegrades
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Math Lessons Collaboration Daily 10/02/2009
DEN Blog Network » Experience the Adventures With Your Students
Discovery Educator Network projects.
Technology's Impact on Effective Teaching Strategies -- THE Journal
"The United States Department of Education published a report over the summer titled, "Evaluation of Evidence-Based Practices in Online Learning; A Meta-Analysis and Review of Online Learning Studies" (Center for Technology in Learning, 2009). What's interesting about this report is that it confirms what those of us who teach or have taught either distance or online courses already know and moves us beyond what is often commonly believed: that there is no significant difference between online learning and the face-to-face experience. "
Microsoft WorldWide Telescope Web Client
Directly from Time Magazine: "Like Google Earth for the heavens, WWT aggregates terabytes of astronomical data from the world's biggest telescopes to create a single virtual scope that anyone can look through. WWT is not a model of the known universe, but rather a centralized repository for just about everything known about the universe. The idea is to democratize the science of astronomy with a single tool that can be used by students and scientists. Who knows, when everyone has access to the same data, maybe the next big discovery in astronomy will be made by an amateur? There are hundreds of terabytes of digitized sky — enough data for everyone. "
New type of search engine. Ask your friends/students/peers a question and find out what their online response might be. Not sure of the usability for the classroom, but let me know if you think I'm way off base.
Photosynth: Your photos, automatically in 3D.
Been a fan of this site for a while and didn't realize I hadn't bookmarked it yet. Instead of arranging photos in a traditional album,Synth finds relationships among pictures and digitally composites them to create a 3-D experience. Awesome!
Simple private real-time sharing and collaboration by drop.io
Great file sharing option for those who like to have access to files on different computers or want to create backups. Also, great for collaborating with others.
FiveThirtyEight: Politics Done Right
Another polling site. This one is the brainchild of Nate Silver. His predictions during the 2008 presidential election were consistently more accurate than the national media outlets. He must be doing something correctly. BTW, he's a baseball statistician by trade.
Pollster.com - Political Surveys and Election Polls, Trends, Charts and Analysis
Aggregation of poll data. Great way of exploring data with lots of social studies/current events connections. Time rates this as one of the fifty best sites this year. Worth a few minutes of exploration.
tags: statistics, polls, news, elections
There are lots of collaborative voting and comment sites out there — Digg, Reddit, StumbleUpon and Metafilter is another one. It costs five dollars to join, but that cost keeps lots of spammers and ads off the site. A great plus.
Academic Earth | Online Courses | Academic Video Lectures
University lectures available online from all over the world, including MIT, Harvard, etc.
Not necessarily great lectures all the time, but great sources of information and sometimes great examples of lecture done well.tags: university, opencourseware, web2.0, interactive, scholars, academic, education, lectures
...is a deliberately eclectic mix of tech commentary, sci-fiction nerd-outs, fringe culture, gadgets, and serious news items. It is, according to its own description, a "directory of wonderful things."
Triangles with Specified Side Lengths
"This applet is designed to visualize triangle construction where the lengths of the sides of the triangle are specified.
The right sides of the top 4 lines of the applet are draggable. This lets you modify the scale used for measuring and the lengths of the three sides.
The applet displays the length of the sides and the size of the angles in the constructed triangle."Applets for math courses below calculus
"These following collection of applets are designed for use in mathematics courses below the level of calculus. Some of the applets were developed at SLU and some have been developed elsewhere and are included by permission. If you would like to host the applets locally, please contact Mike May, S.J. "
"Math Applets for Calculus at SLU"
tags: math, web2.0, mathematics, algebra, slu, calculus, applets
Great opportunity to collaborate online with scientists researching real questions: "the team is trying to answer the question - how do the skeletal muscles of seals develop to work during deep dives, even when the animal is not breathing for long periods of time. The researchers believe the answers to this question may have tremendous implications for human medicine. By understanding how another mammal has successfully overcome the debilitating effects of working under low oxygen conditions, we may be able to learn new therapeutic approaches to assist humans with heart or lung disease. "
tags: biology, chemistry, instruction, inter-classroom, web2.0, technology
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Math Lessons Collaboration Daily 10/01/2009
Really interesting way of doing a multimedia search. Not sure it's classroom safe, even with safe search on there were several images that were beyond borderline. When I did compound search "algebra" + "linear" much tighter and deleted virtually all inappropriate material.
I just like the way you can explore the information. If you have students gathering information and tagging with specific tags like "wjhsconlit09" then you could pull up all of that material without interference. I think it's a great tool for that kind of exploration.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Math Lessons Collaboration Daily 09/30/2009
Singapore Math in the US site. Several books for ordering.
Chinese students often outperform U.S. students on international tests in mathematics. Chinese students’ mathematics performances are assumed to be related directly to their teachers’ deep mathematics understanding and ability to represent concepts flexibly in their classrooms, which, in turn, are thought to be influenced by Chinese mathematics curriculum and policies. The authors examine this theoretical assumption through a systematic review of relevant literature and attempt to identify the relationship between Chinese students’ mathematics performance and the factors that contribute to their achievement. On the basis of their review, the authors raise questions about the assumption and propose research that can lead to a better understanding of the relationship between the quality of students’ mathematics learning and the contexts in which their learning occurs.
In-service Training in Alternative Assessment withSingapore Mathematics TeachersFan LianghuoNational Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, SingaporeAbstract: Fifty-nine primary mathematics teachers of three intakes participated in in-service training in alternative assessment newly offered at a university in Singapore. A study, action research in nature, was undertaken to examine the effects of the in-service training and investigate relevant issues in promoting teachers' use of alternative assessment in classrooms. Data were mainly collected through questionnaire surveys, the participants’ work on an authentic alternative assessment task, and field-notes of the training. The results indicate that systematic training in alternative assessment is highly needed for school teachers, and inservice training can be an effective way to promote their professional growth in this area, especially through their integrating authentic alternative assessment tasks into their actual classroom teaching as part of the training. In addition, the study reveals that the current school curriculum does not well reflect the new development of assessment and therefore there is a need to integrate the concept and content of alternative assessment into school curriculum to facilitate teachers’ use of alternative assessment in classroom. Some other relevant issues, including advantages and disadvantages of in-service training, are also documented in the article.
SpringerLink - Journal Article
Lianghuo Fan1 and Yan Zhu1Centre for Research in Pedagogy and Practice, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, 1 Nanyang Walk, Singapore, 637616, SingaporeAbstract: This study examined how selected school mathematics textbooks in China, Singapore, and USA at the lower secondary grade level represent problem-solving procedures. The analysis of problem-solving procedures was carried out in two layers – general strategies, which adopted Pólya’s four-stage problem-solving model, and specific trategies, which consisted of 17 different problem-solving heuristics such as ‘acting it out,’ ‘looking for a pattern,’ ‘working backwards,’ etc. Both similarities and differences in the representation of problem-solving procedures in the textbooks across the three countries were revealed and compared. The possible reasons for the similarities and especially for the differences were explored. Suggestions about how to improve the representation of problem-solving in mathematics textbooks were provided at the end of the study. Comparative study, Mathematical problem-solving, Mathematics textbooks,Curricular contents, Pólya’s problem-solving, model, Problem-solving heuristics, Textbook analysis, Lower-secondary mathematics
Miracle Math: A Successful Program from Singapore Tests the Limits of School Reform in the Suburbs
Miracle Math: A Successful Program from Singapore Tests the Limits of School Reform in the SuburbsAuthors:Personal author, compiler, or editor name(s); click on any author to run a new search on that name.Garelick, Barry
ccsso math standards - Google Search
Alignment Content Analysis of TIMSS and PISA Mathematics and Science Assessments, Using the Surveys of Enacted Curriculum MethodologyFebruary 2009, A CCSSO paperPrepared for National Center for Education Statisticsand American Institutes for Research
Top News - ED announces student video contest
Great opportunity to have students showcase their skills, their learning, and for teachers to maximize an engagement opportunity. I would love to collaborate with someone interested in making this a class assignment. Looking for someone to help provide guidance, let me know!
We introduced Diigo to WJHS this summer and I thought I would pass this news along to everyone, but especially that group.
I still think Diigo is an incredible tool for collaboration in the classroom for research, group work/accountability, formative assessment, reaching beyond classroom walls both with students and colleagues.
Additionally, Sean does some nice simple video production (with totally FREE tools) that I want to share with other teachers. It's easy to do, is a way of getting information to your students easily and in a manner that allows them to access the information as many times as they like/need.tags: diigo, socialbookmarking, research, write2learn, write2pub, dialog, blogging, bookmarking
Study: Wikipedia as accurate as Britannica - CNET News
I've been an advocate for Wikipedia for a long time, yet more information saying it is a valid source (as with all sources we need to teach students to find corroborating sources before using the source).
Not without error, but does go to show that even more trusted sites have errors, so don't hold Wikipedia to a different standard!
Finally, what makes Wikipedia a better source is a shear volume of information on the site as compared to other 'encyclopedias'.tags: wikipedia, research, write2learn, comprehension, encyclopedia
Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History | The Metropolitan Museum of Art
I've always liked timelines as an educational tool. They offer the ability to show related threads compared to each other easily. I loved having students investigate a single topic, create a timeline for that topic, mash the timelines together in a BIG overarching timeine, and then have students start to look for connections. I stole the concept early in my career from the TV show Connections (too bad it didn't make it, GREAT GREAT show).
tags: timeline, art, arthistory, socialstudies, history, write2pub, write2learn
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Math Lessons Collaboration Daily 09/29/2009
An easy to create activity for use with a smartboard. I like the Guess the Wordle of the Day concept, I like that students try to guess based on contextual clues, and I like that it uses the Smartboard (although it's a relatively low level usage, it's still interactive.)
Modumath as linked from Wisconsin Online learning resources. Interesting videos of algebra concepts, not a huge library but well worth the exploration. You must join http://www.wisc-online.com/ to gain access, but it's free and very interesting.
tags: web2.0, math, technology, applet
Webquests from the National Portrait Gallery, United Kingdom. Some Webquests designed with specific age/content groups in mind. Worth a look if you like using Webquests with your students.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Math Lessons Collaboration Daily 09/28/2009
I guess the original link I bookmarked changed. Here is another one from the museum
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Math Lessons Collaboration Daily 09/25/2009
• “Picturing the 1930s,” a new educational web site created by the Smithsonian American Art Museum in collaboration with the University of Virginia, allows teachers and students to explore the 1930s through paintings, artist memorabilia, historical documents, newsreels, period photographs, music, and video. Using PrimaryAccess, a web-based teaching tool developed at the university’s Curry Center for Technology and Teacher Education, visitors can select images, write text, and record narration in the style of a documentary filmmaker.
tags: web2.0, socialstudies, primary source, smithsonian, museum
The Beginner's Guide to Tricking Out Your WordPress Blog - Blogs - Lifehacker
MIT Students Explain How to Photograph Space for $150 - $150 Space Photo - Gizmodo
Follow-up to the BEAR-4 near space video from amateur radio enthusiasts from Edmonton, CA. These students (yes, MIT students) capture still photos from space for $150 worth of equipment. Again, it's all about letting students solve problems, using technology that is available to them, and sharing it! Talk about engaging!!!!!
tags: web2.0, science, technology, MIT
A group of amateur radio enthusiats launch an HD video camera into space and track it back down to earth. I think it's incredible and a great example of what people with an interest in something can do. What could we do if we gave students goals like this to accomplish? Any thoughts about how we use this incredible example of curiosity with students? Also, note that they send it to space, share their work via YouTube, blog about it, get picked up on the Discovery channel for relatively little cost!
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Math Lessons Collaboration Daily 09/24/2009
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Math Lessons Collaboration Daily 09/18/2009
Show your Apprication Blogs » Appreciation for 365 Days of Astronomy Podcast
A project called 365 Days of Astronomy Podcast received an appreciation by being hailed as the Best Infotainment 2009 given by the Parsec Award.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Math Lessons Collaboration Daily 09/17/2009
3-6 Student Interactives - Science - UEN
Science apps for Science grades 3-6.
Not many books begin with a word of warning. Through the Clock's Workings does. This anthology of literature is not some textual tome, frozen in time and space. It is alive, evolving organically in a constant state of flux. Why? Because each story is available under a Creative Commons licence, giving you rights to share and reuse the book as you see fit. This is a world first: a remixed and remixable short fiction anthology. Buy your copy here or download the electronic version.
tags: comprehension, write2learn, write2pub, web2.0, technology
Amazing Space: Hubble Is Back in Business
Always looking for reading resources to share with the Striving Readers group. Here is a great online resource that has short readings that are applicable and topical. May not be user friendly for students 2 years or more behind grade level, but very applicable to the content area classrooms! Very interactive, combine pictures with text, updated constantly.
HubbleSite - NewsCenter - Hubble Opens New Eyes on the Universe (09/09/2009) - Introduction
I know the Hubble is not new, but the addition of the new spectroscope adds new life to this old tool (yes it's almost 20 years old). If nothing else exposing students to the different pictures that Hubble generates would be an addition. If you can use the pictures to help develop math/science connections then what a powerful tool.
Take one picture a day and ask students to calculate how long it would take a human to get to that point in space traveling at 100,000 miles per hour (twice as fast a any human has ever gone) or at 1,000,000 miles per hour (way faster than we can currently travel)...100 Best Blogs for Tech-Savvy Teachers - Online Courses
"While there are still some educators who dispute the importance of technology in the classroom, there is no dispute over the fact that technology is here to stay in schools. Whether you are one of those tech-savvy teachers who can’t get enough of technology news and ideas or you are a teacher just learning to embrace technology in the classroom, these blogs offer a wealth of information straight from teachers and other professionals in the education field themselves."
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Math Lessons Collaboration Daily 09/12/2009
Teachers Love SMART Boards: SMARTBoards and MP3 Audio Resources
twtpoll :: How do you MOST OFTEN teach a novel to your class? (via @KyleneBeers)
Just want to pass along this idea to everyone. It's a poll sent out to teachers via Twitter (from Kylene Beers no less) to see how they teach novels. Simple way of collecting some self-reported data. I just think it's an interesting way of using social networking professionally.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Math Lessons Collaboration Daily 09/09/2009
Google Maps Mania: Design Portfolios on Google Maps
Using an application, like CASA's Image Cutter or the Automatic Tile Cutter, you can create your own map tiles for Google Maps. It is therefore possible to replace Google Maps tiles with other maps.
INSITE MAIN - Web 2.0 Tools - New Possibilities for Teaching and Learning - Confluence
What is Web 2.0, how to use it, and some great analysis of different tools. In-depth and very comprehensive.
EdTechSandyK: Top 10 Social Networking Guidelines for Educators Who Wish to Keep Their Career Intact
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Math Lessons Collaboration Daily 09/05/2009
MrsA - Internet Safety Curriculum Resources
tags: safety, wiki, web2.0, instruction
I Am What I Learn -- Coming Soon
On September 8, the U.S. Department of Education will ask students to respond to the President’s Back to School challenge by creating videos, up to two minutes in length, describing the steps they will take to improve their education and the role education will play in fulfilling their dreams. Watch this page for more information about the “I Am What I Learn” video contest for students.
tags: obama, education, history, digitalstorytelling, dialog, write2learn, write2pub
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Math Lessons Collaboration Daily 09/03/2009
How to Plan For Differentiate Instruction
Some great examples/suggestions for planning differentiated instruction.
Set of tools from VA department of ed to help construct exciting, engaging, meaningful lessons for students.
Updated Bloom's Taxonomy. Helps identify the kinds of questions we ask and expectations we have for our students.
Four Ways to Differentiate Instruction: Differentiation can occur in the content, process, product or environment in the classroom.1. Differentiating the Content/Topic2. Differentiating the Process/Activities 3. Differentiating the Product 4. Diffferentiating By Manipulating The Environment or Through Accommodating Individual Learning Styles
tags: differentiation, instruction, math, process, content, environment
Thirty-Four Interesting Ways* to Use Search Engines in the Class
Wordle is a great tool for using in the classroom, and this is just another example of how it can be used. I want to point out several aspects of this site-- it uses a wiki as the hosting site (easy to create)- is centered on using a tool called wordle- embeds wordles within the wiki- uses a Google form (go to "Today's Wordle" page) to have people submit information- has created a twitter account to advertise/keep participants up to date with information- has created an RSS for those who want to follow new wordles daily
A GeekyMomma's Blog: VoiceThread: Where do you fit in?
Great explanation of Voicethread and some very scaffolded examples of how we can use Voicethread in our classrooms. Lee does a wonderful job of developing a compelling reason for using Voicethread and how to accomplish your goals.
Mozilla Labs » Blog Archive » Introducing Prism
A tool for looking at information differently than we've ever done so before. Next step in web browsing? Just remember that things don't always stay the same in the virtual environment.
This article was brought to my attention by Tim Ferree this summer and I thought I would pass it along. It's not necessarily content literacy, but I think it is about good instruction. Happy reading.
The Business Trip | Dr. Jeff's Blog on the Universe
Great post about teachable moments and what that looks like when you are an astronaut and your child asks you where you are going for work... beats Hazard! Read through the post and make sure click on the "checked" link for a great way of giving students some perspective on a shuttle flights speed and location.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Math Lessons Collaboration Daily 09/02/2009
50 Awesome Ways to Use Skype in the Classroom
tags: web2.0, technology, skype, dialog
gettingtrickywithwikis - Background Colour in Tables
When you want to make your wiki do things that aren't necessarily easy to do this is a great site! I added a background graphic to a wiki with the help of this site. It was very helpful in getting the basic code added and with a little tinkering it did the things I needed it to do! Great resource
tags: wiki, web2.0, technology
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Math Lessons Collaboration Daily 09/01/2009
Half of Americans use social networks - Technology Live - USATODAY.com
Killing two birds with one stone. Here are some interesting facts about social networking and use among 35-54 yo age group growing by 60% recently according to Forrester. Also, if you are looking for a read-aloud to do with math students, here's a great example to use with them. The topic is social media, the content is proportional reasoning, data analysis, and interpreting real-world data. For example if usage among 35-54 yos has grown by 60% what does that mean among the sample of 4500, what does that mean among the sample of the US population, if previous usage was 15% of that age group, what percentage of that age group now use it? Etc. Good math/science reading is as close as your local USA Today/Yahoo homepage/iGoogle/news RSS
tags: math, comprehension, write2pub, write2learn, instruction, readaloud
Teaching With Technology: Educational Technology Services at MIT
Different categories on the MIT teaching with technology page. Great way of thinking about different issues and ways of solving some of those issues from MIT's perspective.
tags: technology, mit, edtech, web2.0
Stanford Study of Writing - Home
Thought provoking analysis of writing by current students.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.