Thursday, February 26, 2009
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Math Lessons Collaboration Daily 02/23/2009
Exploratree - Exploratree by FutureLab
Well worth bookmarking when looking for organizing tools to use with groups. Easy to use, I haven't created any from scratch but the examples were quite useful and easy to utilize.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Math Lessons Collaboration Daily 02/22/2009
Confessions of an Aca/Fan: If It Doesn't Spread, It's Dead (Part One): Media Viruses and Memes
Powerful thoughts about the direction of literacy and why we need to have students writing more and more on the web and not avoiding it!
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Math Lessons Collaboration Daily 02/21/2009
Great New Math Aggregator. One of the most important resources I've found in the last two months. A must for all math teachers looking for real-world connections, rigorous problems, insights from other teachers, any thing mathematics!
tags: Math, web2.0, blog, instruction
Great resources from NASA for educators. Podcasting made easier.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Math Lessons Collaboration Daily 02/20/2009
Great source for data sets for data analysis. Even identifies the concept to be used with the data.
tags: math, algebra, regression, data, exploration
Another potential tool to use with your students. It's like twitter in that it is a microblogging tool, but is meant solely for educators and students. You create an account and a group that your students join. I don't know how to use it yet but it does seem to have potential.
tags: web2.0, microblogging, instruction, write2learn, write2pub
Copyright for Educators SlideShare with Audio » Moving at the Speed of Creativity
Anytime you have students using the internet for research then you 'should' be teaching about copyright. It is something that we as teachers often ignore, but it's an important lesson to learn and to share with our students. This is a recorded presentation by Wes Fryer. Worth a listen, some simple applicable points that you can immediately incorporate into your classroom.
If you are willing to use a Wiki then this one might help you do some things that are interest to you. Wikis are getting more personalized with more functionality.
YouTube - SLA @ 100: The future is in our hands...
"It is never too late to become what you might have been."George Eliot
Education Week: Students Turn Their Cellphones On for Classroom Lessons
"In our district, especially at high school, students have a cellphone on them at all times, just like a pencil—it's an underused tool,"I like this quote because it's about possibilities. Later in the article the appropriate use policies are discussed and understood in light of this approach. Cell phones (like calculators) are here to stay, how can we maximize what we want to do through cell phone use?
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Math Lessons Collaboration Daily 02/19/2009
Garnet Valley School District | Technology Office
Some more Smartboard resources. Not specifically mathematics related.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Math Lessons Collaboration Daily 02/18/2009
I don't know if there are any funding sources in this but there are some interesting applications of mobile technology from around the world. I didn't see too many education (actually I didn't see any), so I think that might be in our favor. Even if we don't get any funding from this it will be useful in identifying other innovative uses that we can utilize.
Google Quizes | Screencast-O-Matic
I don't mention Google Docs very often, but it's a great tool for creating all kinds of collaborative documents. Here's a wonderful example of how you could create a self grading quiz for your students using Google docs.
Doesn't really talk about the actual tool as much as make some comparisons to other web 2.0 tools and discuss why Diigo is more of an innovation.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Math Lessons Collaboration Daily 02/17/2009
Google Earth *PRO* is FREE for Educators! | Welcome to NCS-Tech!
If you don't use or think about using Google Earth in your classroom, then you may want to consider addding this tool to your arsenal. It's flexible, rigorous, and oh yes, FUN! Now, you can get the PRO version free if you are an educator. I think GE is in my top five web 2.0 applications because it makes what you are studying come to life for students like no other tool.
tags: web2.0, googleearth, google, education, geography, resources
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Math Lessons Collaboration Daily 02/15/2009
Facts and Myths About the Brain and Learning « Learning Landscape
Just a little information about brain research and learning. I bookmarked it because I like the focus on the brain changing because of experience.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Math Lessons Collaboration Daily 02/13/2009
A wonderful example of a teacher who gets it. This teacher has a system established for how and why he is doing what he is doing. I'm not sure I agree with all of his approaches, but that's the great thing, it works for him, but I do love the structure that he has developed here. I encourage you to look at his Quadratic review lesson on the 11th of February (it might be the 12th) because it uses the tech, to support the work his sub has to do while he's out. Great idea.
New Tweetdeck Out Tomorrow, Here's What It Will Include - ReadWriteWeb - Annotated
I don't use twitter this extensively, but if I were, then tweetdeck would be a must. I am going to explore and would love some ideas for why I should use this in my educational learning community? I need the value added. I can track stock quotes through other apps that are more effective, what do I need tweetdeck for?
Teachers Love SMART Boards: SMART Boards and Custom Resources for Algebra Two
A blog about the use of the Smartboard in the classroom. So not only a good place for generic ideas, but as in this post specific ideas to incorporate into the classroom in specific courses, i.e. Algebra II.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Math Lessons Collaboration Daily 02/12/2009
Just starting to share some resources that you might be able to share with teachers as the work develops. I wouldn't share them yet.
- Their vision for a 21st century education
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Math Lessons Collaboration Daily 02/11/2009
Lovely Charts | Free online diagramming application
"Free online diagramming application"... Create flowcharts that look professional and colorful. I haven't explored the site all the way to create anything yet, but wanted to capture the concept before I lost it.
twtpoll :: a simple survey/poll twitter app.
Another educational use for twitter. Create a poll, tweet your question, gather your data, explore the data. Could be a social studies tool, a psychology tool, an English tool, a math tool, or science tool. I guess if you analyze the data you receive all the questions would be a math tool.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Math Lessons Collaboration Daily 02/09/2009
Twitter for Teachers Home - Twitter for Teachers
An idea that can be used to contribute to professional learning or for use with your students- Create a collaborative book online. The topic in this case is another way to explore/discover uses for twitter in education. Learn to take advantage of the things students are doing, teach them how to do things responsibly online, share your content, etc.
Another web 2.0 applications resource. Well organized, easy to use.
Easy tool to have students create connections between text and pictures. If the pictures from the site are used the issue of copyright won't be a problem. I like that it is incredibly easy to use.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Math Lessons Collaboration Daily 02/05/2009
Want a reason to have your students doodle, then this is for you. The best thing is that this lets them doodle around a positive theme. I hope you will share with your art teachers, world civ, or current issues teachers. Heck share with your environmental science teachers too. We can all use a little thinking about "What I wish for the world" in our classrooms.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Math Lessons Collaboration Daily 02/04/2009
Top 10 Web 2.0 Tools for Young Learners : February 2009 : THE Journal
"That's why we're here," she said. "So I can show you not only what's out there but also how other educators are using these resources to teach their students right now." That quote from the post says it all. It's not about technology but about how teachers and students are using it to enhance learning.
Practice Investing, Stock Market Game |
A simulation of the stock market. A great running application to use in algebra classes, as it allows students to use algebraic concepts to manage their portfolio. Not directly skill or concept related, but can utilize graphing, formula use (as simple as P/E ratio, to regression analysis, to derivatives). For those teachers who think a little outside the box. I would be glad to hear how others might envision using this in their classroom.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Math Lessons Collaboration Daily 02/03/2009
Apple Learning Interchange - iPod touch. Touching student lives in the classroom.
Use of an iPod for instructional purposes is cool, but for the work we are doing in Africa this kind of thinking becomes important. The iPod/iPhone can become a way for sharing/organizing/storing documents. Teachers can use the wireless component of the tool to share materials when they have opportunities to gather.
Academic Earth - Video lectures from the world's top scholars
Great set of resources that might be interesting to people who want to explore some topics on their own, or want to include some aspects of the lectures in their classes. I think there is a HUGE potential for using this content some how.
tags: lectures, video, art, biology, chemistry, english, geography, history, science, math
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Math Lessons Collaboration Daily 02/02/2009
Is Technology Producing A Decline In Critical Thinking And Analysis? - Annotated
I think this post or article is incredibly flawed and lacks a lot of basis for the positions being advicated, but if you have a Diigo account, it is a great example of participatory nature of the internet. You can leave a note for other Diigo users. It would be a fantastic way for students to read something, include their notes, respond to each other, and discuss in class the next day.
Welcome to the Cassiopeia Project
The Cassirpeia Project is an effort to make science education videos available for free to anyone who wants them. Each video can act as a stand-alone content video or the underlying plot that threads through can be used to contribute to student engagement/learning.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.