Catalogue of Digitized Medieval Manuscripts: About Us
Welcome to the Catalogue of Digitized Medieval Manuscripts. This site was designed to enable users to find fully digitized manuscripts currently available on the web. You can use the search box to quickly search on specific terms, or use the "Search Manuscripts" link to search on particular fields, such as date, or provenance information. You can also browse the Catalogue by the Location of an archive or library, the shelfmark of an item, by the author of a text (where that information is available), or by the language of a text (again, where available).
- Welcome to the Catalogue of Digitized Medieval Manuscripts. This site was designed to enable users to find fully digitized manuscripts currently available on the web.
You can use the search box to quickly search on specific terms, or use the "Search Manuscripts" link to search on particular fields, such as date, or provenance information.
You can also browse the Catalogue by the Location of an archive or library, the shelfmark of an item, by the author of a text (where that information is available), or by the language of a text (again, where available).
Great Source iwrite - Students: Grammar Handbook
Writing resources for use with teachers or students. How can we use these kinds of resources with students to address mechanices issues?
Not specifically school related but does help address the issues of responsible use. Would be a valuable resources for our work with district leaders, in developing a map/aup.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.