NIE Staff Publications - Journal Article - F
Foong, P. Y. (2007). Teacher as researcher- A review on mathematics education research of Singapore teachers. The Mathematics Educator, 10(1), 3-20.
Foong, P. Y. (2005). Developing creativity in the Singapore primary mathematics classroom: Factors that support and inhibit. Thinking Classroom, 6(4), 14-21.
Foong, P. Y. (2004). Engaging mathematics curriculum: Some exemplary practices in Singapore primary schools. Teaching and Learning, 6(2), 115-126.
Foong, P. Y. (2004). Opening textbook sums for mathematical creativity. Maths Buzz, 6(1), 2-5.
Foong, P. Y., & Ee, J. L. C. (2002). Enhancing the learning of underachievers in mathematics. ASCD Singapore Review, 11, 25-35.
Foong, P. Y. (2002). Roles of problems to enhance pedagogical practices in the Singapore classrooms. The Mathematics Educator, 1(1), 15-31.
Foong, P. Y. (1999). Promoting higher-order thinking through open-ended problems. Mathematics Newsletter, 1(20), 1-3.
Foong, P. Y. (1999). Do you panic about maths? REACT, Issue 2, 37-44.
Foong, P. Y. (1999). Varfor lyckades Singapore i TIMSS [Education in Singapore: Contributing Factors to TIMSS results]. Namnaren, 26(3), 40-45.
Foong, P. Y. (1999). Mathematisation - Trend towards project work. Maths buzz, 1(1), 3-4.
Foong, P. Y. (1998). Learning abacus: What cognitive processes do pupils use? REACT, 2, 24-29.
Foong, P. Y., & Koay, P. L. (1998). Problem med verklighet i skolan.[Solving real problems at school]. Namnaren, 25(4), 6-11.
Foong, P. Y., & Perry, B. (1998). Proportional reasoning and mathematical beliefs of student teachers from Singapore and Australia. The Mathematics Educator, 3(2), 38-53.
Foong, P. Y., & Koay, P. L. (1997). School word problems and stereotyped thinking. Teaching & Learning, 8(1), 73-82.
Foong, P. Y., Yap, S. F., Khoo, P. S., & Berinderjeet Kaur (1997). Developing profiles in primary mathematics using item response theory. The Mathematics Educator, 2(1), 1-17.
Yeap, B. H., & Foong, P. Y. (1996). Constructivism in the mathematics classroom. REACT, 1, 4.
Foong, P. Y., Y
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