Gizmos! Online simulations that power inquiry and understanding. | ExploreLearning
Gizmos are great applets for exploring math and science concepts.
Virtual Science experiences.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
This blog is an online collaboration for math teachers. It is an attempt to harness the power of math teachers to create math literate learning events for their students.
Gizmos! Online simulations that power inquiry and understanding. | ExploreLearning
Gizmos are great applets for exploring math and science concepts.
tags: simulations, interactive, mathematics, science, applets, gizmos - Formative Assessment
tags: assessment, applets, online learning, lms, math, science, socialstudies
Virtual Science experiences.
Freefall on Mars applet from University of NewFoundland
Free falling body applet that gives you the option of dropping from a height or firing upwards from the ground.
Applets are small, self-contained, interactive programs that can be run on your computer using code called Java (a free download from Sun Microsystems). All of the applets listed below are available for download from the web, but require Java to run. An Applet Search Engine can be used to find other available applets not found on this page.
Welcome to the Physlets resource page. Physlets, Physics Applets, are small flexible Java applets designed for science education. You do not need to become a Java expert in order to use Physlets. The links on the right contain tutorials, download instructions, and example problems to help you use Physlets in your teaching.
Fowler's Physics Applets.
Michael Fowler - University of Virginia Physics
tags: physics, simulations, applets, math, biology, chemistry, earth science
Demonstration of PHYSics appLETS (PHYSLETS)
PHYSLETS were developed at Davidson University by Wolfgang Christian. They are java applets that can be called from some javascript code in a web page. The links below contain physlets written or adapted for use at LTU, Lawrence Technical Univ., by Dr. Scott Schneider
tags: applets, physics, physlets, interactive, demonstration
Math applets from Edinformatics.
More physics applets from Edinformatics. I don't know exactly who they are but they have their applets organized by content/level/topic which is a great way of helping people find applicable apps
Java Applets on Physics (Java 1.4)
More physics applets
Projectile motion applet. Easy to manipulate and set inputs.
Math, Physics, and Engineering Applets
Rather higher level than my understanding but some interesting applets that have lots of input capabilities.
Physics applets from university of oregon. department of physics.
11 Helpful Cheat Sheets for Popular Google Products | Freebies
Keep this article close by, so when you need it, it will be available. I wouldn't be able to memorize all of the information, but when I am working on or in anyone of these products the cheat sheet would be a valuable resource for expanding my shortcut repertoire!
As I read this blog, I immediately thought of the article Never Say Anything a Kid Can Say. It is a very similar set of lessons for students and teachers.
If a student can say it, then why am I? B/C I am the expert... but who is learning in that situation? Me of course b/c I am the expert!!
Also, if a kid says it, it builds their confidence/understanding and allows the teacher to probe to help the student develop their analytical skills rather than their passivity and incompetence skills.
This blog is worth a very long read and analysis. I also, think everyone should look for the article mentioned above and see if they couldn't learn a few things by saying less!
Nice set of applets that let students explore fraction understanding from multiple perspectives and models. I love that they use a variety of models for fractional development, including bars (multiple versions), sets, and linear.
From the site: "Why Fractions? Fractions are one of the earliest stumbling blocks for students in math. Our goal is building conceptual understanding in fractions as a basis for comprehension in all later topics."
tags: math, fractions, conceptua, web2.0, applets, interactive, iwb
Instructional Strategies Online
Instructional strategies determine the approach a teacher may take to achieve learning objectives.
Five categories of instructional strategies and explanation of these five categories can be found within this site.
No Pain, High Gain |
Great article on looking at test preparation differently. It's not about answering a lot of questions similar to the ones on the test, but about learning processes that help students understand how to garner information from text/problems, etc.
Persuasive writing websites with lots of examples
Word of the day for 13th June 2010 - wordia
Great site for using the power of technology to add value to vocabulary instruction/learning: video, links, text, audio
Edistorm takes the metaphor of sticky notes on a boardroom wall and brings it online allowing anyone - anywhere to brainstorm with only a web browser.
Each user picks their favorite ideas and Edistorm brings the best ones forward.
tags: brainstorming, web2.0, write2learn, sticky notes, mindmap
Online Spreadsheets - EditGrid
Online spreadsheet tool. Always worth sharing. Decent graphics tools, but not as intuitive or as easy as Excel. If you don't have access to Excel, not a bad alternative.
tags: spreadsheet, web2.0, excel, math
BBC World Service - Documentaries
It's from the BBC (that's a good enough reason to share for me) and there are some great stories being told in the documentaries from social commentary, to war, to poetry.
I love the idea of students getting applicable content from multi-media sources on their own and incorporating it into their thinking. Also, a great way to introduce students to the nuances of digital storytelling.
tags: documentary, bbc, english, socialstudies, comprehension, write2learn, write2pub, instruction, technology
Lapham's Quarterly, A Magazine of history and ideas. Great social studies source. I like the Friends, Lovers, and Family story/chart that shows the relationships between different artists across time. Always looking for ways to show how what one person does impacts others and not just in art!
Education Trends: More Mobile, More Distance Learning, More LMS Usage -- THE Journal
Continuing discussion of two issues that are at the forefront of our work.
tags: distance learning, mobile, education
Chris Harbeck's class blog from this last year. A great practitioner and great example of utilizing a blog for instructional purposes.
tags: math, blog, web2.0, write2learn, write2pub, writing in math
Mr. Hausberger's mathematics / FrontPage
Mr. Hausberger captured a lot of his students work on this wiki using a variety of tools and sites.
An adoption model/framework for integrating new learning into instruction/practice. Similar to CBAM.
Eureqa | Cornell Computational Synthesis Laboratory
s a software tool for detecting equations and hidden mathematical relationships in your data. Its primary goal is to identify the simplest mathematical formulas which could describe the underlying mechanisms that produced the data. Eureqa is free to download and use.
tags: eureqa, math, data, comprehension, graphing, regression, technology
Implementing BT « Beyond Textbooks
Beyond Textbooks has a very simple PD design and I have concerns that it has actual impact in the classroom. Such a different way of teaching and all of 1.5 days of PD and 3 webinars to equip teachers to truly integrate technology into the classroom?
Create Online Surveys and Forms
Questionform is a web application for creating, publishing and analysing online surveys and forms
Great connections between math and "real world" settings. Well developed use of multiple representations.
Best of 2009 for best stop-motion films. Survive calculus class! - Tutorials for the Calculus Phobe
Calculus help tutorials that go with students studying at home. This would be very helpful for students to get a different voice and be able to share their findings during class discussion.
Nice description of meta cognitive processes and instruction in the math classroom. Well worth reading.
VIDS is an interactive website for teacher teaching mathematics that contains video models of teachers in the classroom, lesson plans, meta cognitive learning strategies for math, differentiation section, and a "learning community"
Second Annual Literacy Conference - Content Literacy
Second Annual Literacy Conference - Content Literacy
A nice discussion of mind-set in middle schoolers and intentionally working to develop a student's ability to believe they can achieve and to work hard to achieve the goal of success.
Technology & Education consulting group
100 Great Tech Talks for Educators | Best Colleges Online
"If you’re an educator, surely you know that technology has and will continue to have an incredible impact on learning. Whether it’s the Internet, innovative learning tools, or teaching technology itself, these two subjects are intertwined. In these talks, you will find essential information for educators concerned with technology."
A great list of 100 talks about technology integration into education and the possible implications for teaching and learning.