Free Technology for Teachers: 10 US History Google Earth Tours
Great set of virtual history tours through Google Earth.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
This blog is an online collaboration for math teachers. It is an attempt to harness the power of math teachers to create math literate learning events for their students.
Free Technology for Teachers: 10 US History Google Earth Tours
Great set of virtual history tours through Google Earth.
tags: web2.0 google earth social studies socialstudies history geography
Magnoto is a little like glogster. It's a nice little project tool. It is in beta and may not be stable enough for mass use, but it is pretty user friendly and can allow 5 people to work together on the same project. Each person can have their own page or can work together to create one page.
Connecting Students through Video Project « Engnology
Connecting Students through Video
Welcome to the iPod & iPad User Group Wiki
We welcome you to our wiki and blog for supporting iPod & iPad devices in education. Although our focus is K-12, many of the techniques should work for you at any level and with any number of devices. On the wiki side of this site are the deployment and management articles, and on the blog side, you will find the classroom activities (written primarily by teachers) where iPods are supporting achievement improvement for our students. We are posting as many help and how-to articles here as we can and as quickly as we can so you can continue to be successful using iPod devices in your classroom. Please let us know if there are more or different things that you would like to have included here.
Great app for having students create an educational product. I know Apple says it's a business app, but it has the kinds of multi-media tool compilation that makes for great education tool.
Students can easily capture/create an image on the iPod, annotate or draw on it while they narrate, and most importantly of all students can then email it to the teacher.
Not only can they create, they can share!
Katherine Burdick shared this on the iPod discussion in Classroom 2.0.
TEACHING|chemistry» Blog Archive » A great way to start the year - Annotated
What started as a desire to know what technology access my students had turned into a great opportunity to get to know them, and what they thought about grades, learning, and their interests. Here’s a copy of the survey that I gave my students this year on the first day.
Some of the responses to the questions were interesting enough to put in wordle form
tags: web2.0 wiki technology google forms wordle
wchsread [licensed for non-commercial use only] / WCHS READS
Washington County Library/reading wiki. Lisa Burkhead has done a fantastic job of integrating the wiki into her literature course and her library work. There is lots of student voice and apparently a lot of reading going on at Washington County High School!
tags: web2.0 wiki wchsread comprehension write2learn write2pub
Blog about Chris Geeen's iPod touch project at his school. Has some very interesting ideas about how students can create quick products from research on the iPod touch. Worth looking at if you have access to mobile learning tools not just iPod, although some of the apps are specific to the iPod.
My StoryMaker : Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh - Annotated
y StoryMaker lets you control characters and objects - and creates sentences for you! Once you are done with your story, you can print it out. You cannot go back and edit a story once you have ended it but, if you click "yes" when asked to share it with others, you can print it out again by entering the magic number it gives you in the box on the right. Since lack of space forces us to delete story files older than 1 month, please save the .pdf file that prints to your own computer.
tags: education storytelling digitalstorytelling writing web2.0 animation
How the arts deepen students thinking | The Compass Point
Interesting blog post based on an article in the Boston Globe.
REDU stands for rethinking, reforming and rebuilding US education. Powered by people and technology, REDU is a movement designed to expand and encourage the national conversation around education reform by providing information and resources to learn, a community platform to connect, and tools and initiatives to act.
expertsinliteracy [licensed for non-commercial use only] / FrontPage
Jill's Eminence Middle and High School wiki about her coaching and instruction in content literacy
Google taking advantage of its own video network to share ways of using its own products.
Photovisi - Collage photo effects
Great Simple Online Collage Maker
MSP:MiddleSchoolPortal/Teaching With Trade Books - NSDLWiki - Annotated
...benefits of using trade books is increasing student engagement. High quality trade books are written as to spark interest and create a desire to read. Many contain colorful, interesting illustrations, photographs, and diagrams, all of which draw students into the text and improve comprehension.
tags: resources education lessonplans technology
Thousands of Free Lesson Plans and Educational Resources for Teachers | Verizon Thinkfinity.org
tags: resources education lessonplans technology
iLearn Technology » Blog Archive » Um-bloom-ra Bloom’s Taxonomy
ast week I blogged about my Bloomin’ Peacock, a new Bloom’s Taxonomy visual I made to share with teachers in a training. Over the years, I have created a number of Bloom’s Taxonomy pictures to hang in my classroom for students to refer to. My Bloomin’ Peacock was such a hit with you all, I thought I would start sharing the others I’ve made. Today I revived one that I created for my classroom and added the digital version (again the digital tools displayed relate directly to the Treasures reading curriculum). This is my Um-bloom-ra Bloom’s Taxonomy:
Educators - Population Reference Bureau - Annotated
Distilled Demographics Video Series
Distilled Demographics, PRB's new video series, highlights key demographic concepts such as fertility, mortality, and migration. Through these videos, each under 10 minutes, you can learn demography's real-world application and impact.
In these videos, Carl Haub, PRB's senior demographer, talks about:
Deciphering Population Pyramids
Addressing Population Myths
The Birth Rate: What It Is and Why It Matters
tags: research education population reference
Distilled Demographics, PRB's new video series, highlights key demographic c
Mind - Research Upends Traditional Thinking on Study Habits - NYTimes.com - Annotated
In one of his own experiments, Dr. Roediger and Jeffrey Karpicke, also of Washington University, had college students study science passages from a reading comprehension test, in short study periods. When students studied the same material twice, in back-to-back sessions, they did very well on a test given immediately afterward, then began to forget the material.
But if they studied the passage just once and did a practice test in the second session, they did very well on one test two days later, and another given a week later.
Mind - Research Upends Traditional Thinking on Study Habits - NYTimes.com - Annotated
Mind - Research Upends Traditional Thinking on Study Habits - NYTimes.com
Free Technology for Teachers: 47 Alternatives to Using YouTube in the Classroom
Free Technology for Teachers is an award winning blog. Here is his post on alternatives to youtube. I like most in fact bookmarked almost all of them. Great resrouce and if you don't subscribe to this blog you should
tags: education web2.0 vídeo blog
Hulu - Watch your favorites. Anytime. For free.
There are extensive libraries of some great shows on Hulu, including NOVA, and several news shows.
tags: web2.0 vídeo youtube library resources
From Free Technology for Teachers, "Big Think is a video website containing expert commentary on a wide range of issues and ideas. The experts featured on Big Think really are experts in their fields. Harvard Professors, editors of major news publications, politicians, and other recognized authorities offer their commentary on various issues and ideas. Registered users of Big Think can comment on and discuss the videos or post an idea to have others discuss."
Enough said!
Absolutely love this site. All the video from C-Span, ever! Great source of primary source documentation for lots of different government studies.
tags: web2.0 vídeo CSPAN government youtube tv library resources education
It's from CNN a respected news source and it is geared toward students. A quick look around found topics ranging from politics to sports to hurricanes.
They are accompanied by discussion suggestions. There are also daily podcasts that can be downloaded or better RSS'd so students can get easy access to news!
I love Blip.fm and I like the idea of sharing favorite videos from TV as well. I think it's a stretch for extensive use in the classroom, but it is an option in some cases.
Viddler.com - Grow your brand with online video
What you can do with us
Upload as many videos as you want—you get nearly unlimited space with ViddlerRecord videos directly to the site using your webcam!Post comments and tags at specific points in the videoShare your videos with RSS and iTunesKeep your money! We are 100% free!
Educational Videos | Teacher Videos for Students | SnagLearning
Videos from Snag Video that have been identified as educational in nature.
Documentary Films | Watch Free Documentaries Online | SnagFilms
Site for sharing video covering many topics, not just for educational purposes.
Video sharing for students and teachers.
tags: vídeo web2.0 education schooltube youtube
Lesson Study Toolkit Samples
You will need Adobe Reader to view and print many of these documents.
NOTE: The password for the video clips and any protected article is lessonstudy.
Lesson Study Group at Mills College
n Lesson Study teachers:
Think about the long-term goals of education - such as love of learning and respect for others;
Carefully consider the goals of a particular subject area, unit or lesson (for example, why science is taught, what is important about levers, how to introduce levers);
Plan classroom "research lessons" that bring to life both specific subject matter goals and long term goals for students; and
Carefully study how students respond to these lessons - including their learning, engagement, and treatment of each other.